Complete List of Books by Michael Rosen
Poems About Education, self-published
The King and the Tutor, self-published
One Day, illustrated by Benjamin Phillips, Walker Studio
Out of this World, poems to make you laugh, smile and think, illustrated by Ed Vere, HarperCollins
Rosen’s Almanac, weird and wonderful words for every day of the year, illustrated by Andrzej Krauze, published by Ebury Press
Getting Better, life lessons on going under, getting over it, and getting through it, (paperback) Penguin
Michael Rosen’s Totally True (and Totally Silly) Book of Bedtime Stories, Hachette
Pebbles, Poetry Tweets, Smokestack Books
Getting Better, life lessons on going under, getting over it and getting through it, Ebury Press
I Am Wriggly, illustrated by Robert Starling, Walker Books
No-so-little Red Riding Hood, illustrated by David Telling, Harper Collins
The Big Dreaming, illustrated by Daniel Egnéus, Bloomsbury
The Incredible Adventures of Gaston le Dog, illustrated by Viviane Schwarz, Walker Books
Farce Majeure, the Boris Letters, Vol II, illustrated by Zoom Rockman, Seven Arches
Chats with Cats, illustrated by Rebecca Hodgkinson, Seven Arches
The Advantages of Nearly Dying, Smokestack Books
I Am Happy, illustrated by Robert Starling, Walker Books
Write to Feel Right, illustrated by Viviane Schwarz, Collins Big Cat
I Am Hungry, illustrated by Robert Starling, Walker Books
You’re Thinking about Tomatoes, with Cole Henley, Unbound
St. Pancreas Defendat Me: The Boris Letters, illustrated by Zoom Rockman, Seven Arches
Please Write Soon, an unforgettable story from World War 11, with Michael Foreman, Scholastic
Goldilocks and the Three Crocodiles, with David Melling, Harper Collins
Ready for Spaghetti: Funny Poems for Funny Kids, with Polly Dunbar, Walker Books
Rigatoni the Pasta Cat, with Tony Ross, Andersen Press
What is a Bong Tree? Articles and Talks 1976-2021, edited by John Richmond, self-published
I am Angry, Walker Books
Sticky McStickstick, the friend who helped me walk again, with Tony Ross, Walker Books
Michael Rosen’s Poetry Videos: How To Get Children Writing and Performing Poems Too, by Jonny Walker and Michael Rosen, self-published
Many Different Kinds of Love: A story of life, death and the NHS, Ebury Press
The Pilgrims of Hope, Redwords
Honey for You, Honey for Me: A First Book of Nursery Rhymes, Walker Books
Why Do We Need Art? What Do We Gain By Being Creative? And Other Big Questions, by Annemarie Young and Michael Rosen, Wayland
Macbeth United: A Football Tragedy, Scholastic
On the Move: Poems About Migration, Walker Books
A Dog’s Tale: Life Lessons for a Pup, illustrated by Tony Ross, Scholastic
Mr Mensh, Smokestack Books
Michael Rosen’s Book of Play, Wellcome Collection
What Is Politics? Why Should we Care? And Other Big Questions, by Annemarie Young and Michael Rosen, Wayland
Reading for Pleasure, self-published
The Missing: The True Story of My Family in World War II, Walker Books
Writing for Pleasure, self-published
Why Write? Why Read?, self-published
What is Right and Wrong?, by Annemarie Young and Michael Rosen, Wayland.
How to Make Children Laugh, Quercus
Wiggly Wiggly: Playtime Rhymes, Walker Books
An Unexpected Twist, Scholastic
Uncle Gobb and the Plot Plot, Bloomsbury
Bah! Humbug!, Scholastic
Reading and Rebellion, An Anthology of Radical Writing for Children 1900-1960. eds Kimberley Reynolds, Jane Rosen, Michael Rosen, Oxford University Press
The Author: Towards a Marxist Approach to Authorship, self-published
Workers’ Tales, Socialist Fairy Tales, Fables and Allegories from Great Britain, edited, Princeton University Press
Hampstead the Hamster, illustrated by Tony Ross, Andersen Press
The Disappearance of Emile Zola, Love, Literature and the Dreyfus Case, Faber
Barking at Bagels, illustrated by Tony Ross, Andersen Press
Dread Cat, illustrated by Nicola O’Byrne, Barrington Stoke
Chocolate Cake, illustrated by Kevin Waldron, Puffin
Bah! Humbug! A Christmas Carol, illustrated by Tony Ross, Scholastic
Listening to a Pogrom on the Radio, Smokestack Books
So They Call You Pisher! A memoir, Verso
Poetry And Stories For Primary And Lower Secondary Schools, self-published
Laugh Out Loud Joke Book, Scholastic
Who are Refugees and Migrants, co-written with Annemarie Young, Wayland
Jelly Boots, Smelly Boots, illustrated by David Tazzyman, Bloomsbury
What is Poetry? The essential guide to reading and writing poems, Walker Books
Bilal’s Brilliant Bee, illustrated by Tony Ross, Andersen Press
Don’t Mention the Children, Smokestack Books
A Great Big Cuddle, poems for the very young, illustrated by Chris Riddell, Walker Books
The Bus is for Us, illustrated by Gill Tyler, Walker Books
Mad in the Back, illustrated by Richard Watson, Barrington Stoke Ltd.,
Uncle Gobb and the Dread Shed, illustrated by Neal Layton, Bloomsbury
Quick Let’s Get Out Of Here (revised paperback) illustrated by Quentin Blake, Puffin
What is Humanism? How do you live without a god? And other big questions for kids, with Annemarie Young, Wayland.
Monster illustrated by Neal Layton, Bloomsbury
You Tell Me (with Roger McGough) illustrated by Korky Paul, Janetta Otter-Barry
The Wicked Tricks of Till Owlyglass (2nd edition, revised) Illustrated by Fritz Wegener, Walker Books
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt (Baby Record Book), Walker Books
Wolfman, Illustrated by Chris Mould , Barrington Stoke Ltd
Send for a Superhero!, Illustrated by Katharine McEwen, Walker Books
Good Ideas: How to be Your Child’s (and Your Own) Best Teacher, John Murray
Choosing Crumble, Andersen Press Ltd
The Bear in the Cave, Illustrated by Adrian Reynolds , Bloomsbury
Poems of Protest, with an Introduction by Michael Rosen, by William Morris, Redwords
Fluff the Farting Fish, Andersen Press Ltd
Even My Ears are Smiling, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
Alphabetical: How Every Letter Tells a Story, John Murray Publishers Ltd
Aesop’s Fables, Illustrated by Talleen Hacikyan , Tradewind
I Never Know How Poems Start, illustrated by Yullya Somina, Collins
Happy Harry’s Cafe, illustrated by Richard Holland, Walker Books
Fantastic Mr Dahl, illustrated by Quentin Blake, Puffin
Burping Bertha, Illustrated by Tony Ross, Andersen
Bob the Bursting Bear, illustrated by Tony Ross, Andersen Press
Blue, illustrated by Michael Foreman, Walker Books
Even My Ears Are Smiling, illustrated by Babette Cole, Bloomsbury Publishing
Dear Fairy Godmother, illustrated by Nick Sharratt, Walker Books
Bananas in My Ears, illustrated by Quentin Blake (re-edition in one edition of Spollyollytiddlyiddlyities, Under the Bed, Smelly Jelly Smelly Fish, Hard-boiled Legs), Walker Books
Tiny Little Fly, illustrated by Kevin Waldron, Walker Books
Michael Rosen’s Big Book of Bad Things, Puffin
Red Ted and the Lost Things, illustrated by Joel Stewart, Walker Books
Michael Rosen’s A-Z: The Best Children’s Poetry from Agard to Zephaniah, editor, Puffin
I’m Number One, illustrated by Bob Graham, Walker Books
Bear Flies High, illustrated by Adrian Reynolds, Bloomsbury
All About Me, Collins Big Cat
Something’s Drastic, HarperCollins Education
Dear Mother Goose, illustrated by Nick Sharratt, Walker Books
What’s So Special About Shakespeare?, reformatted and adapted Shakespeare, his Life and Work, 2001, Walker Books
What’s So Special About Dickens?, reformatted and adapted Dickens, his Work and his World, 2005, Walker Books
Shoo!, illustrated by Jonathan Langley, HarperCollins
Selected Poems, Penguin
Michael Rosen’s Scrapbook, Oxford University Press
Fighters for Life, Selected Political Poems, Bookmarks
Bear in the Cave, illustrated by Adrian Reynolds, Bloomsbury
Totally Wonderful Miss Plumberry, illustrated by Chinlun Lee, Walker Books
Mustard, Custard, Grumble Belly and Gravy, illustrated by Quentin Blake, Bloomsbury
You’re Thinking about Doughnuts, Barn Owl
You’re Thinking About Tomatoes, illustrated by Quentin Blake, Barn Owl
In the Colonie, Penguin
Dickens, his work and his world, illustrated by Robert Ingpen, Walker Books
William Shakespeare in his Times, for our Times, Redwords
This Is Not My Nose, Penguin
Michael Rosen’s Sad Book, illustrated by Quentin Blake, Walker Books
Howler, illustrated by Neal Layton, Bloomsbury
Alphabet Poem, illustrated by Herve Tullet, Milet
William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, illustrated by Jane Ray, Walker Books
Oww!, illustrated by Jonathan Langley, HarperCollins
No Breathing in Class, illustrated by Korky Paul, Puffin
Ten of the Best: school stories with a difference, contributor, Collins Children’s
BooksLovely Old Roly, illustrated by Priscilla Lamont, Frances Lincoln
Carrying the Elephant, Penguin
Zoomababy: to the Rescue, illustrated by Caroline Holden, Pearson Educational
Zoomababy: at the World Cup, illustrated by Caroline Holden, Pearson Educational
Zoomababy: and the search for the lost dummy, illustrated by Caroline Holden, Pearson Educational
Zoomababy: and the mission to Mars, illustrated by Caroline Holden, Pearson Educational
Zoomababy: and the locked cage, illustrated by Caroline Holden, Pearson Educational
Zoomababy: and the great dog chase, illustrated by Caroline Holden, Pearson Educational
Uncle Billy Being Silly, illustrated by Korky Paul, Puffin
Two European Tales, illustrated by Barry Wilkinson and Gwen Touret, Pearson Educational
Shakespeare, his Life and his Work, illustrated by Robert Ingpen, Walker Books
Poems are … quiet, compiler, Pearson Educational
Poems are … public, compiler, Pearson Educational
Poems are … private, compiler, Pearson Educational
Poems are … pictures, compiler, Pearson Educational
Poems are … noisy, compiler, Pearson Educational
Poems are … crazy, compiler, Pearson Educational
A Jewish Tale, illustrated by Simon Jacob, Pearson Educational
Even More Nonsense, illustrated by Clare Mackie, Hodder Wayland
Centrally Heated Knickers, illustrated by Harry Horse, Puffin
Rover, illustrated by Arthur Robins, Walker Books
Mission Ziffoid, illustrated by Arthur Robins, Walker Books
Lunch Boxes Don’t Fly, illustrated by Korky Paul, Puffin
Snore!, illustrated by Jonathan Langley, HarperCollins
Night-Night, Knight, and other poetry, editor and compiler; illustrated by Sue Heap, Walker Books
Classic Poetry, an illustrated collection, editor and compiler; illustrated by Paul Howard, Walker Books
The Secret Life of Schools, editor; illustrated by Sarah Dempsey, Channel 4 Learning
The Michael Rosen Book of Nonsense, illustrated by Clare Mackie, Wayland Macdonald
Tea in the Sugar Bowl, Potato in my Shoe, illustrated by Quentin Blake, Walker Books
A Year with Poetry – Teachers Write About Teaching Poetry, co-editor and author with Myra Barrs, CLPE
You Wait Till I’m Older Than You, illustrated by Shoo Rayner, Viking
This Is Our House, illustrated by Bob Graham, Walker Books
The Zoo at Night, illustrated by Bee Willey, Tradewind Books (Canada)
The Skin of your Back, Five Leaves
Walking the Bridge of Your Nose, editor; illustrated by Chloe Cheese, Kingfisher
Stories for Five Year Olds, Walker Books
Rap with Rosen, Longman
Michael Rosen’s ABC, illustrated by Bee Willey, Macdonald Young Books
Just Kids, illustrated by Caroline Holden, John Murray
Even Stevens F.C., with John Rogan, Collins
Crow and Hawk, illustrated by John Clementson, Harcourt Brace
The Penguin Book of Childhood, Penguin
The Old Woman and the Pumpkin, illustrated by Bob Hewis, Learning by Design
The Man with No Shadow, illustrated by Reg Cartwright, Longman
Rude Rhymes II, compiler, Signet
Pilly Soems, A & C Black
Norma’s Notebook, Longman
Michael Rosen’s Horribly Silly Stories, Kingfisher
Michael Rosen’s Arabian Frights and other stories, illustrated by Chris Fisher, Deutsch
Lisa’s Letter, illustrated by Tony Ross, Longman
Figgy Roll, illustrated by Tony Ross, Longman
Fantastically Funny Stories, illustrated by Mik Brown, Kingfisher
Dad, illustrated by Tony Ross, Longman
A Different Story; Poems from the Past, editor, The English and Media Centre
You Are, Aren’t You?, Mushroom Bookshop
Treasure Islands 2, with Jill Burridge, BBC Books
The First Giraffe, illustrated by John Clementson,
Studio Editions
Songbird Story, illustrated by J. Dow, Frances Lincoln
Poems for the Very Young, editor; illustratd by Bob Graham, Kingfisher
Nuts about Nuts, illustrated by S. Sweeten, HarperCollins
Moving, illustrated by Sophy Williams, Viking
Burping Bertha, illustrated by Tony Ross, Andersen Press
Action Replay, editor; illustrated by Andrzej Krauze, Viking
South and North, East and West, Walker Books
Sonsense Nongs, editor: illustrated by Shoo Rayner, A & C Black
Rude Rhymes, re-edited version of ‘Rude Rhymes’; ‘Dirty Ditties’; ‘Vulgar Verses’, Penguin
Round About Six, contributor; book reprinted 2007, Frances Lincoln
Mind the Gap, illustrated by Caroline Holden, Adlib
Dirty Ditties, illustrated by Rina Duncan, Deutsch
Who Drew on the Baby’s Head?, illustrated by Riana Duncan, Deutsch
Vulgar Verses, illustrated by Riana Duncan, Deutsch
The Chatto Book of Dissent, editor with David Widgery, Chatto & Windus
Mini Beasties, selector; illustrated by Alan Baker, Firefly
How the Animals Got Their Colours, Studio Editions
Goodies and Daddies; an A-Z Guide to Fatherhood, illustrated by Caroline Holden, John Murray
Give Me Shelter, compiler, Bodley Head
Funny Stories, compiler, Kingfisher
Clever Cakes, illustrated by Caroline Holden, Walker Books
A World of Poetry, editor, Kingfisher
The Royal Huddle: The Royal Muddle, illustrated by Colin West, Macmillan Children’s Books
The Golem of Old Prague, illustrated by Val Biro, Deutsch
Snow White, Firefly
Sinbad, Firefly
Never Mind!, illustrated by Mark Vyvyan-Jones, BBC/Longman
Little Red Riding Hood, Firefly
Little Rabbit Foo Foo, illustrated by Arthur Robins, Walker Books
Hansel and Gretel, Firefly
Freckly Feet and Itchy Knees, illustrated by Sumi Sweeten, Collins
Culture Shock, editor; illustrated by Andrzej Krauze, Viking
We’re Going On a Bear Hunt, illustrated by Helen Oxenbury, Walker Books
The Wicked Tricks of Till Owlyglass, illustrated by Fritz Wegner, Walker Books
The Tree: Imagination, Firefly
The Three Little Pigs, Firefly
The Oar: Friendship, Firefly
The Nose: Lying, Firefly
The Formula: Intelligence, Firefly
The Deadman Tapes, Deutsch
The Class Two Monster, illustrated by Maggie Ling, Superchamps
The Attic: Fear, Firefly
Rude Rhymes, illustrated by Riana Duncan, Deutsch
Peter Pan, Firefly
Isabel: Shyness, Firefly
Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Firefly
Did I Hear You Write?, cartoons by Tony Pinchuck, Deutsch
Cinderella, Firefly
Alice in Wonderland, Firefly
Aladdin, Firefly
The Kingfisher Book of Funny Stories, editor; illustrated by Tony Blundell, Kingfisher
The Hypnotiser, illustrated by Andrew Tiffen, Deutsch
Silly Stories, illustrated by Mik Brown, Kingfisher
Norma and the Washing Machine, Deutsch
Jokes and Verses 1 and 2, BBC
Beep beep! Here come the Horribles, Illustrated by John Watson, Walker Books
You’re Thinking about Doughnuts, illustrated by Tony Pinchuck, Deutsch
Spollyollydiddlytiddlyitis, illustrated by Quentin Blake, Walker Books
Hard-Boiled Legs, illustrated by Quentin Blake, Walker Books
A Spider Bought a Bicycle, selector; illustrated by Inga Moore, Kingfisher
When Did You Last Wash Your Feet?, illustrated by Tony Pinchuck, Deutsch
Under the Bed, illustrated by Quentin Blake, Walker Books
Smelly Jelly Smelly Fish, illustrated by Quentin Blake, Walker Books
The Kingfisher Book of Children’s Poetry, editor; illustrated by Alice Englander, Kingfisher
That’d Be Telling!, compiler with Joan Griffiths, Oxford University Press
Hairy Tales and Nursery Crimes, illustrated by Alan Baker, Deutsch
Don’t Put Mustard in the Custard, Deutsch
Speaking To You, editor with David Jackson, Macmillan Education
Nasty, revised and extended edition of Nasty! (1982), Puffin
Bloody L.I.A.R.S, illustrated by Alan Gilbey, LIARS
Quick Let’s Get Out of Here, illustrated by Quentin Blake, Deutsch
Nasty!, illustrated by Amanda Macphail, Longman
Inky Pinky Ponky, collected with Susanna Steele; illustrated by Dan Jones, Granada Publications Ltd.
Everybody Here, compiler, Bodley Head
A Cat and Mouse Story, illustrated by William Rushton, Deutsch
You Can’t Catch Me!, illustrated by Quentin Blake, Deutsch
I See A Voice, Thames
You Tell Me, with Roger McGough; illustrated by Sara Midda, Kestrel
The Bakerloo Flea, illustrated by Quentin Blake, Longman
She Even Called Me Garibaldi: Listening and Reading 2, BBC
Wouldn’t You Like to Know, illustrated by Quentin Blake, Deutsch
Once there was a king who promised he would never chop anyone’s head off, illustrated by Kathy Henderson, Deutsch
Mind Your Own Business, illustrated by Quentin Blake, Deutsch
Sam on Boff’s Island, contributor; from TV series written by author, BBC
Backbone, play, Faber and Faber